Sunday, October 20, 2013

Strange Angel - Book Recommendation - Non-Fiction Science Occult Must Read

Title: Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons

Author: George Pendle
Media Type: Book
Type: Non-Fiction
Genre: Science, Occult

The most important element of any book is a good story. It doesn’t matter if it’s fiction or non-fiction. What matters are the characters and their actions. Strange Angel is full of intriguing characters whose interactions make for one damn good story.
     John Whiteside Parsons was literally a rocket scientist. He forever changed our civilization. Along with his team, known as the Suicide Squad, Parsons helped found the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and helped develop a solid rocket fuel that shifted space flight from a science fiction daydream into a reality.
     Science and fiction are two halves of one coin. You need only watch an episode of The Big Bang Theory to understand that the life of a scientist can be dictated as much by observations and facts as by fantasy and imagination. And why not? A strong mind that dares to dream is also strong enough to transfer that dream from thought to reality.

     John Whiteside Parsons was one such scientist. As a child he dreamed of space flight. As an adult he helped make that possibility real. But Parsons wasn’t just interested in the fantasy worlds of pulp science fiction writers. He, like the alchemists before him, was interested in the occult world. That place where words and intent have as much power as hands and tools.
     John Parsons was a member, a very active member, of the OTO – the Ordo Templi Orientis. The OTO was founded in England by Aleister Crowley who was known as “the wickedest man in the world.” Sex, love, betrayal, ambition were all elements of the social concoction created by his leadership of the California branch of the OTO.
     I recommend this book, not just for the fascinating story of scientific discovery – certainly one NOT taught in school – but also because the author, George Pendle, has done such a wonderful job bringing John Parsons back to life. His research, his writing skills, his obvious personal interest leads to page-turning read.
 You don’t need to have an interest in science or the occult to enjoy this book. It is the human element that is so fascinating. Either check this book out of your local library or order a copy for yourself now. You will not regret it.

Kindle: Strange Angel
Paperback: Strange Angel

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Publisher: Mariner Books
Copyright Date: 2005
ISBN-10: 0156031795
ISBN-13: 978-0156031790

Suggested Audience: Adult

Keywords: Non-fiction, science, occult, George Pendle, John Whiteside Parsons, Shirley Jackson, rockets, history, author, writer, Holiday gift, birthday gift, gift, Halloween, book, read, book recommendation, magic, OTO Aleister Crowley, JPL, Jet Propulsion Labratory

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